Nick Theodoridis


iOS Developer from Thessaloniki, Greece

nickmadethisone Hi there 👋🏼 , I'm Nikolaos Theodoridis an iOS Developer based in Thessaloniki, Greece who loves creating and crafting iOS mobile applications using Swift language. You can find my work and learn more about me via social media. Don't forget that you can watch me live developing iOS applications on Twitch.

#GitHub #LinkedIn #Twitch #Instagram #TikTok #X

Latest Projects

Explore my latest projects in iOS application development. For a deeper dive into my work, check out my GitHub account.
Headlines is an iOS application built with Swift programming language. It serves as a dynamic news hub, allowing users to stay informed about daily events through curated top stories. Users can personalize their news experience by customizing their feed and exploring a variety of topics. The app enables seamless sharing of articles and offers the option to save favorite pieces to a personal library.
Explore Headlines on Github
Swift Playgrounds
Passwords is an iOS mobile app developed with Swift programming language. In this app you have the option through some fields to generate passwords and create your own one as can show you how strong it is and also you can save them in your library.
Explore Passwords on Github
Swift Playgrounds
Currencies is an iOS mobile app developed with Swift programming language. Simply enter an amount, choose your currencies and get real-time conversion rates at your fingertips. Ideal for travelers and finance enthusiasts alike, this app ensures you have the latest currency information quickly and easily.
Explore Currencies on Github

Tool Stack

My stack encompasses the tools essential for crafting iOS applications, leveraging the Swift programming language for optimal performance on Apple devices.
  • Finder
  • Safari
  • Xcode
  • Figma
  • GitHub
  • Simulator
  • Connect with Me

    Let's stay connected! Follow me on social media to keep up with my latest projects and updates. Feel free to reach out, engage with my content, and connect with me on any of these platforms.

    Get in Touch

    If you have any questions or you want to discuss further about a potential project? Do not hesitate to contact me. I'm passionate about my work and eager to collaborate on exciting opportunities. Whether you're interested in learning more about my projects, discussing potential collaborations, or simply saying hello, I'd love to hear from you. Your message is important to me, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
    Contact via Email

    Download My CV

    Ready to delve deeper into my qualifications and experience? Take a closer look at my education, work history, skills, and accomplishments to see how I can contribute to your projects and initiatives.
    Download my CV